Dog Training Workshops


IT’S HERE! The very first in our new series of breed specific workshops! Allow Nero Dog Training to (re) introduce you to your HERDING breed! We’re calling all the Aussies, Beaucerons, Collies, Corgis, Heelers, Kelpies, Sheepdogs, Shepherds and mixes – this one if for YOU!
Learn all about the main types of herding dog and understand their instinctual traits, how best to fulfil those biological desires, address common challenges and use this knowledge to aid our city-dwelling canines. You’ll have a go at urban herding (so much fun) and other breed specific activities that are sure to engage your herding dog! Although this workshop is designed with herding breeds in mind, any dog can participate and try Treibball! Please note, this workshop is created exclusively for members of The Nero Network. 

✅ WHEN? Sunday 26th January 2025, 9.00AM – 12.00 NOON

✅ WHERE? The outdoor arena, Sloterweg 675, Amsterdam

✅ COST? €295.00 for 1 dog & max. 2 handlers (inclusive of 21% BTW) ***SOLD OUT!***

✅ SIGN UP: drop an email over to 


sam sup
SUP and dog

Calling all paws and paddles! Nero Dog Training is teaming up with Sams SUP Life this summer to bring you a truly unforgettable experience! Sam Arnold is a Paddle Board and Open Water Instructor operating in the UK. Over the past 5 years, she’s cultivated her passion into her profession and is SUPer excited to visit Amsterdam and share her expertise! Together, Sam and Harlie have created a unique Amsterdam SUP board and dog training workshop that is sure to be the highlight of your summer. SUP boarding can be highly addictive, you have been warned…

WHAT’SUP DOG is a 2 day event. The first day (Saturday) is WITHOUT dogs. We need to get our humans practicing off and on the water first. This will be led by Sam, who will coach you through the safety and handling skills required to step aboard! The second day (Sunday) is WITH your dog. Bring your canine companion along for the ride and introduce them to the world of stand up paddle boarding! Harlie will coach you and your dog in how best to approach the board and introduce confidence building exercises to get you working as a team on the water! 

Please note: rental of SUP boarding equipment and (human) buoyancy aid is included in the price. Dog floatation devices are also included in the price and will be required to participate. Please bring suitable clothing/change of clothing and a towel for you and your dog (you WILL likely get wet!) Wetsuits are ideal! You will need a reasonable level of fitness to participate and be a confident swimmer (up to 50 meters.) This workshop is created exclusively for members of The Nero Network. We have 2 x beginner workshops and 1 x ”next level” class for those who have already completed the beginners workshop.


SATURDAY 28TH TIMETABLE (humans only:)

– Beginners class A) 8.45am – 10.15am ***1 SPOT LEFT***

– Beginners class B) 10.45am – 12.15pm ***2 SPOTS LEFT***

– Next level: 12.45pm – 2.15pm ***NOW OPEN***

SUNDAY 29TH TIMETABLE (with dogs:)

– Beginners class A) 8.45am – 10.45am

– Beginners class B) 11.15am – 1.15pm

– Next level (different, scenic location in Amsterdam) 2.30pm – 4.30pm

✅ WHERE? Amsterdam West area (exact location and more information will be sent upon registration)

✅ COST? Beginners class: €335.00 per person and 1 dog (inclusive of 21% BTW) Price includes both workshop days, SUP board and paddle hire and buoyancy aids for attendees (human and canine) for the duration of the event. If you have your own SUP board, the price is €315.00

Next level workshop: €315.00 per person and 1 dog (inclusive of 21% BTW) Price includes both workshop days, SUP board and paddle hire and buoyancy aids for attendees (human and canine) for the duration of the event. If you have your own SUP board, the price is €295.00

✅ SIGN UP: drop an email over to  



This ULTIMATE canine course is focused on building confidence through play and movement to overcome obstacles. The creative challenges use a variety of every day items to conjure courage, lighten spirits and build trust between dog and handler. Please note: a sense of humour and fair level of fitness are required to participate! Like majority of Nero classes, YOU will be as active as your dog. We are not training the dogs in terms of obedience nor trick training – it’s not that kind of class. Our aim is for dogs and guardians to enjoy something totally different! Expect to experience the brilliance of a bin bag, learn to think outside the box, brave balloons and have a wheely good time! Puns intended, let’s have some FUN!

✅ WHEN? Coming soon…

✅ WHERE? Manege De ruif, Sloterweg 675, Amsterdam.

✅ COST? €195 (inclusive of 21% BTW)

✅ SIGN UP: drop an email over to  


Created by Nero Dog Training and Manege De Ruif!
Dogs and horses are both social beings and have co-existed side by side for thousands of years. Nowadays however, canine and equine worlds often collide in a negative manner. Partly due to living in an urban environment, many dogs never have the opportunity to experience the presence of a horse at close capacity. When faced with a horse, this lack of education may result in insecure barking, fearfulness, flight or engaging in predatory behaviours like charging, chasing and biting – all of which are extremely dangerous for the animals and humans involved.
A walk in the woods may present a passing or approaching horse and rider. Perhaps you head to the country for a holiday with your woofer and there are horses in the surrounding fields? Maybe a horse sharing the beach or dunes takes you and your dog by surprise? Our motto of ‘train don’t complain’ supports setting our dogs up for success by working together in real life scenarios and providing both ends of the leash with guidance and the window of opportunity to learn.
For our all new horse and hound workshop, Nero Dog Training has teamed up with Manege De Ruif, a popular riding school and equine centre located close in Amsterdam – and where the Nero training room is located! De Ruif is a household name in the Amsterdam area and boasts four decades of dedicated professionalism and expertise and we LOVE being neigh-bours (pun intended!)
During this interactive workshop, you can expect:
️Individual guidance, advice and supervision from two experienced animal handlers and professionals:
 – Harlie Mcglasson – dog behaviourist, head trainer and founder of Nero Dog Training
 Rebecca Peijpers – centre manager, lead horse instructor and trainer at Manege De Ruif
️ Exposure to horses in a controlled environment
️ Various exercises to build focus to handler with distraction
️ Ignoring stationary, passing and approaching ponies/ horses
️ Dog and horse body language
️ Dog and horse etiquette and safety
️ Q&A with Harlie and Rebecca
✅  WHEN? Friday 28th February 2025: 9.00am – 11.00am
✅  WHERE? Manege De ruif, Sloterweg 675, Amsterdam. The workshop will be held in the training room/ large indoor arena.
✅  COST? €195.00 for past or present Nero Dog Training clients. Price is inclusive of 21% BTW, the workshop and refreshments. Price is for one dog and a maximum of two handlers.
✅  SIGN UP: drop an email over to


So, you think your dog has a keen sense of smell? Teach your dog to detect! Scent work is a game changer and is becoming increasingly popular within the dog training industry.

Having successfully passed her dog detection handler course in England, Harlie is more eager than ever to get owners working WITH their dogs to share the benefits and value that scent work brings. It’s a team exercise that requires communication and understanding from both ends of the leash and it’s FUN for canines and humans alike!

During this workshop we aim to address:

✅  Motivation and methodology
✅  Selecting and sourcing the scent
✅  Creating confidence and finding focus
✅  Working as one with your dog

Cost: €250.00* per combination of one dog and one handler. (Price includes 21% BTW, refreshments and a mini scent kit.)* Members of The Nero Network receive a discount: cost of workshop: €225.00 (inclusive of 21% BTW, refreshments and a mini scent kit.)

Fancy joining in the fun? TBC 

To reserve your space or to request more information, please send an email over to

*Please note: this workshop is for dogs that are comfortable in a group environment consisting of other dogs and humans. Should your dog be displaying aggressive or reactive behaviour towards dogs or humans, please contact us to discuss our private training packages.


This sell out weekend workshop is back! If your dog is reactive on leash towards other dogs then this weekend workshop was designed with you in mind! Reactivity includes lunging, stalking, barking and everything in-between. Gain hands on techniques, learn new skills and rehearse with real life situations to help your dog in those moments when you cease to exist. Train, don’t complain!
During this workshop we aim to address:
✅ The human end of the leash: enhancing your handling skills and ability
✅ Patterns: recognizing and recreating every day events
✅ Behaviour: why and how dogs react and what we can do
✅ Body language: communication, translation & understanding
✅ Practical application: train don’t complain!
Cost? €325.00* per combination of ONE dog and max 2. handlers. (Price includes 21% BTW ) 
* Please note, this event is exclusively for members of The Nero Network.
When? Saturday 12th April 2025: 9.30am – 12.30pm (at the training room without dogs) & Sunday 13th April 2025: 9.30am – 11.30am on the field WITH dogs! ***2 SPACES LEFT!***
To ensure the intimacy of the event, spaces are limited. Fancy joining us for an educating, fun filled weekend? Drop an email to reserve your space to:


Created exclusively for Nero Network members and their canine companions! Supercharge that sacred cue! Reinforce your dog’s recall with this fun, interactive 2 day workshop. This Nero masterclass is filled to the brim with take-home techniques to help your dog recall every single time. Expect group games and lots of unique distraction…

✅ WHEN? Saturday 26th October and Sunday 27th October, 9.15am – 10.45am (both days)
✅WHERE? On the field!
✅COST? €275.00 (inclusive of 21% BTW) per dog and max of 2. handlers ***SOLD OUT!***

Fancy joining? Drop an email to reserve your space to: Please include your preferred workshop/s!