You wanna be a dog trainer?

You wanna be a dog trainer?

The dog industry is a funny one. Like all fields, it has mighty quirks, perks and of course, downsides. A canine career means a world full of possibilities. It’s intriguing, creative, extremely hands on and undoubtedly highly rewarding work. Whether it’s structuring...
Silence is golden.

Silence is golden.

I love the looks of awe I get when Nero responds to my hand signals. True, he is a very intelligent breed but any dog is capable of this challenge! Using hand signals helps your dog learn focus, comes in extremely useful and is a pretty impressive party trick! To...
Follow the leader.

Follow the leader.

The first thing I had to understand was that dogs like to have direction. Being social is imprinted in their genetics. Our role as the human is to understand how to build a relationship of trust and communication by guiding the way.  A dog needs to learn what...
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

When Nero came home, I was extremely wary about his food antics. I was told at the shelter that whilst Nero had no appetite issues, he assumed that if there was food around that he was entitled to it. The last thing I wanted was a great big dog begging or jumping up...