Nero Dog Training Stories May

Meet Some of our Dog Training Participants in May

Say hello to little Ponchuk, a Maltipoo who struggles with barking indoors and has quite the flight response when it comes to other dogs. He is far from aggressive and would rather avoid other canines at all costs. Our aim here is to build his confidence in general. He does not need to be a “social butterfly” where he engages with every dog but we will help him to feel more secure in these situations.

ponchuk training

This girl had her first Nero stooge session today and wowza, did we get creative! I asked the trusty #neronetwork to assist us and my members spent the morning developing their acting skills…with props! From crutches to skipping ropes, skateboards and “hiding” out of sight, it was an active session where we were able to recreate real world distractions that this woof finds challenging. Plenty of training wins, lots of laughs and so much fun! Thank you everyone, I really do love my job.

nero stooge session

LGD’s (aka livestock guardian dogs) are a special sort of spice in dog world. This girl is a Border Collie and certainly boasts the genetic traits of both breeds. Understanding her (sometimes conflicting) instinctual drives is crucial to being able to communicate clearly. It is very difficult (understandably) for her when it comes to visitors and people approaching in the streets…Yesterday’s consultation was super productive and revealed many new concepts for this woof and her humans to learn, rehearse and implement into their daily lives. Brilliant first session gang, well done!

border collie dog training amsterdam

Now this little chap is able to to stay home alone, we turned our attention to his leash reactivity. We took to the streets of Amsterdam and got to work, using a holistic approach to improve our communication skills. Practical application is just as important as theory when it comes to behaviour modification and we were able to get plenty of “wins” in the bank! This session set the tone for a whole new walking experience for both ends of the leash and we are all very excited! Train don’t complain!

dog training for leash

Nero Life Skills Class Dog Training Course

Loved seeing some new and familiar faces on the Nero 5 week #lifeskills class! Life skills is my favourite foundation class and covers many topics ideal for today’s urban dwelling dog. It sold out again this time round but the next Amsterdam course starts on Saturday 10th August! This is the ONLY Nero Dog Training group class open to the public and non-Nero Network members.

dog training life skills amsterdam

Nero’s Heros Dog Confidence Course

nero's heros dog training amsterdam

This ULTIMATE canine course is focused on building confidence through play and movement to overcome obstacles. The creative challenges use a variety of every day items to conjure courage, lighten spirits and build trust between dog and handler.

Please note: a sense of humour and fair level of fitness are required to participate! Like majority of Nero classes, YOU will be as active as your dog. We are not training the dogs in terms of obedience nor trick training – it’s not that kind of class. Our aim is for dogs and guardians to enjoy something totally different! Expect to experience the brilliance of a bin bag, learn to think outside the box, brave balloons and have a wheely good time! Puns intended, let’s have some FUN!

➡️ WHEN? Sunday 11th August 2024: 9.00am – 11.00am

➡️ WHERE? Manege De ruif, Sloterweg 675, Amsterdam.

➡️ COST? €195 per dog (inclusive of 21% BTW) A second handler may also attend. *Nero Network members only*

➡️SIGN UP: drop an email over to



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You wanna be a dog trainer?

The dog industry is a funny one. Like all fields, it has mighty quirks, perks and of course, downsides. A canine career means a world full of possibilities. It’s intriguing, creative, extremely hands on and undoubtedly highly rewarding work. Whether it’s structuring...

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Cats and Dogs: felines are friends not food

''Fight like cat and dog'' - it's a tale of tails that's as old as time. I'm a dog person, that's a given. Don't get me wrong, I've never had anything against felines, I just found my calling with canines, yet here I am typing whilst sharing my seat with my purring...